Lotte van Wulfften Palthe


The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While the first refers to chronological or sequential time, the second signifies a time in between; a moment of undetermined period of time in which something special happens. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative nature.

In this clock we try to capture Kairos. For us this is infinity; a collection of yesterday, today and tomorrow. We try to capture time in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. But it goes beyond all borders. Time is in us and everywhere around us. A cloud of slowly rotating cogwheels hangs from your ceiling. It shows you time not only as chronos but takes you inside time like kairos.

Book | Thirteen parts


The book of Lotte van Wulfften Palthe partly relates to her graduation project ‘the possibilities of parts’, in which she takes her former house in Amsterdam litterally as a starting point. She divided the livingroom into giant parts like walls, windows and doors. By playfully assembling these parts, new architectural interpretations of the room came into being.

This construction box of thirteen parts enters a new phase. Lotte chose to put her work in a different perspective. The multiplied parts in diverse scales, materials and colours are being subjected to the camera. By building, composing and playing with perspective, a new world, from outmost graphic to architectural, opens up. The book serves as a source of inspiration to fantasize about the worlds that are hidden behind apperant small things.